Thursday, 6 January 2011

Time to get moving.....I think

I'm not moving a muscle until there are some words covering this pretty white page. It's time to move the fingers (very nicely painted ones, leftover from New Year's Eve) and let rip. There's so much inside to talk about, a vast world of unplumbed depths longing to rise up through the bubbles of life and be expressed.

In moments of inspiration, poems have begun to arrive once more (a relief) and find their nearly formed selves pouring from the pen in the ten minutes of reading time in class, or as I chop the vegetables for soup. There are plenty of bits of paper from the Louise Hay Calendar to scribble on (title - I Can Do It!), plenty of ink in the new pens Morton bought me for Christmas, (vibrant colours, just what I like) and so many ideas going around that my brain cells are in danger of bursting or seriously annoying perfectly happy and sane people around me.

Yes, I crave the excitement of the page, the freedom and wonder of what arrives freely when it's allowed to. All I have to do is begin and let these fingers win their battle with a mind who demands I really ought to be doing something else. I'll report back later with a word count, I will, I will!
Have fun with whatever creativity comes your way today,
Love Ellie xx

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