Monday, 10 January 2011

The ups and downs of Monday morning...

I really wasn't sure what was going on this morning, there had been the scent of disappointment in the air last night, when a friend who promised to call, somehow couldn't do it, though I do understand, I've been in that space myself. The ups and downs of a dating life, a creative life and all the other threads I do my best to balance and lovingly stay aware of every day.

Sometimes I get it right and sometimes spectacularly wrong. It is easier to get things wrong these days, the beating up doesn't last for very long and I find myself acknowledging the lesson and laughing about the event rather than crying or hiding! Being ourselves is vital and it appears to be part of a woman's role to keep a weather eye out all around her for the needs and nuances of others as we juggle all that is asked of us every day.

The housework becomes a metaphor for the larger expectations of family life, yes, everyone else is all right as long as you are doing what is expected, the washing,the ironing, the cooking, the dusting, but they find it challenging when you step outside this role and explore a part of you that has been waiting for a long time to be expressed.

I juggle with this every day, as do millions of wonderful women (keeping this country and their menfolk going!) and confess to giving in to the creative, growing opportunities that wait outside the door or in a different place inside, crying out for attention. Step forward the poet, the song writer, the business woman, the philosopher and all the hidden threads of me longing for expression from behind the ironing board and duster.

Don't give up, today could be the day when we shine a wonderful beam of light into the deepest recesses of our creative souls.
May everything you do today go one step further than you thought possible,
With love,
Ellie xx

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